The Journey to New Buckland (Part VI)

Well ladies and gentlemen, this here journey of Buckley's sure ain't been an easy one. Heck, it's a wonder Buck managed to survive all of them dangers and live to tell the tale! But no story worth tellin' ever came about from folks sittin' around doin' diddly squat all day! So havin' dealt with the dastardly Cutthroat Pete, Buck carried on fer a while until he ended up meetin' a merchant travellin’ on horseback in the opposite direction.

At first the old man was understandably apprehensive about Buckley, but Buck smiled and waved and assured him that he didn't mean him any harm. Suddenly the merchant perked up and looked at Buckley as though he was a long-lost compadre. The merchant tipped his hat and asked Buckley if he wanted to buy anythin', to which Buck nodded. The merchant dismounted his horse and proceeded to remove a pack that was harnessed to the horse's sides. He brought the pack to Buckley and laid it on the ground in front of him. After loosenin' some leather fasteners, the old man opened up the pack to reveal a whole heap of goods and supplies.

Fresh water, cans of beans, lard, matches, a lantern and all sorts of things were in the merchant's stores. Buckley grinned and decided to grab himself some water, beans, a lantern and several other supplies from the merchant. After gettin' everythin' he needed, Buck asked the merchant how much he owed him. But the old man just shook his head and proceeded to close up the pack. Needless to say, Buckley was shocked. He insisted the merchant take some tokens as payment, but again, the old man simply closed his eyes and shook his head as he carried the pack and reattached it to his horse.

Buck couldn't understand it - he asked the merchant why he wouldn't accept any payment. As he got back on his horse, the old man informed Buck that he was 'The Chosen One' and that his pilgrimage north-east had been long foretold. Buckley was mighty confused. He scratched his head in bewilderment as the merchant began to move off. Realizing that the old man might run into Cutthroat Pete, Buck hollered at him, tellin' him to beware of a bandit that might've gotten loose. But the merchant paid Buckley no heed and disappeared 'round a corner…

Buckley stood a moment and tried to process what had just happened. Chosen One? What kinda nonsense was that? Buckley was a strong feller, but he didn't think himself particularly special or nothin', and he certainly didn't think of himself as any sort of messianic figure. He decided to shrug the whole encounter off and made his way back on his path. He walked, and walked, and kept on walkin' - after a while though, Buckley felt as though he were literally in the middle of nowhere. I mean, he wasn't anywhere in particular before, but he looked in one direction and saw nothin but the horizon, and turnin' the other way, he saw the same sight. What was goin' on? Had he finally lost his marbles? Was Buckley dead, and was this the afterlife?

And then, from behind Buckley, he heard a boomin' voice. Buck swung ‘round and looked over at the horizon to see a gigantic grizzly bear dressed in some strange getup towerin' over him. Buck squinted his eyes and saw that the bear was slightly transparent - it looked like it was hundreds of feet tall! Buck rubbed his eyes and looked again to see the humongous grizzly bear watchin’ him in silence. Buckley kept his gaze transfixed on the the bear fer what seemed like eternity. Finally, Buck cried out, askin’ Yhe Great Bear Spirit what it wanted. The Bear Spirit let out a deafenin’ roar and pointed it’s colossal paw north-east. Buckley understood perfectly then and nodded knowingly. All of a sudden Buck started to feel real weary - he tried to keep his eyes open and on The Great Bear Spirit, but it was no use. Buckley closed his eyes, and everythin’ went dark.

Buckley awoke and felt raindrops fallin’ on his face. He opened his eyes and sat up, and right in front of him was Cutthroat Pete! Standin’ in the rain, the bandit held a six shooter up to Buck’s head and let out a knowin’ laugh. He asked Buckley if he had any last words, to which he replied by swattin’ the gun out of Pete’s hand before he had a chance to shoot! The bandit swung at Buck who blocked the blow and hit Pete directly in the face.

Pete reeled back but quickly regained his composure. He rushed at Buckley and tackled him to the ground. He started hittin’ Buck over and over again in the face, but Buck managed to grab Pete and throw him over his head. The bandit hit the ground hard, rolled over and sprung to his feet while Buck got up. Pete let out a yell and ran directly at Buckley, but this time Buck was ready. He grabbed Pete and flung him as far as he possibly could! The bandit soared through the air, screamin’ as he did so, and hit the ground with a loud THUD!

Buck walked over to the winded Pete and put his foot on his chest, pushin’ down on him. Pete begged fer mercy, and Buckley eased off. At that very moment, the old merchant, along with a posse of lawmen, came into view. Seems that the old man had heard what Buck had said and had the good sense to get some help. The group took Cutthroat Pete into custody, and Buckley thanked ‘em fer their help.

After a little conversation, the group left with the handcuffed and incapacitated Cutthroat Pete in tow. Buck closed his eyes and silently thanked The Great Bear Spirit fer savin’ him from certain death. Somehow Buck knew that his journey was nearin’ its end…but it wasn’t over - not yet…

Moral of this here story is: sometimes, even when yer certain a problem’s been dealt with, it may end up returnin’ at a later stage to give you grief. That’s why it’s real important that you deal with major issues as definitively as possible so that there ain’t no chance of ‘em comin’ back to trouble you! And just when you think it’s all over, trust yer instincts and have faith in yer friends, and all will be well again!